How You Can Celebrate Earth Day

Colin Delaney April 23, 2012

How You Can Celebrate Earth Day? I found a few good ideas that we can all do to help our climate be a little cleaner here in good ol’ Costa Mesa real estate. In honor of Earth Day, which is officially April 22nd this year. Here’s a brief top 10 list for all of you out there in Costa Mesa real estate:
Top Ten Things You Can Do in Costa Mesa

Earth Day Top 10

  1. Don’t print e-mail attachments. I’ve gotten better at this, but it’s hard, huh? The best thing to do is to create a good systematic file folder structure on your computer that is easy to find documents in. Also, use your computer's built-in search to find those documents.

  2. Check Your Printer Settings – lots of printers can print to “draft” or a setting that does not use ink as heavily. Other printers like HP’s Officejets now print using less ink right out of the box.

  3. Send Faxes Direct to E-mail – instead of faxing to another fax machine, fax to an e-mail inbox so that the user on the other end does not need to use the paper fax.

  4. Recycle your Office Paper – My office has a great feature- any paper or recyclable product can be thrown directly into a recycling dumpster. Love it!

  5. Turn out the lights when you leave a room – My kiddos are the greatest violators of this, so I gotta think yours can’t be far behind mine! Every little bit helps.

  6. Get a Nest for your Costa Mesa real estate home – I added the Nest system to my house recently, and the first month I saved $30 off of my Edison Bill. I added one of these thermostats, and I love it.

  7. Insulate your Costa Mesa real estate home – I added additional insulation to my raised foundation last year, and it’s made a tremendous difference. Our home is not so cool in the winter, and I’m hoping it’s going to be considerably cooler this summer.

  8. Go with rechargeable batteries when possible. They’re more expensive to buy initially, but they last a long time and you don’t have to constantly throw out all those double AA batteries for those Wii controllers :).

  9. Close Your Curtains! The windows in your home are one of the greatest sources of energy loss in a home. Keeping them closed during the day or night will keep the temperature even during the day in your Costa Mesa real estate home.

  10. Don’t Leave the Water Running When Brushing Your Teeth. Hard to do sometimes, but if you brush for two minutes at a time, that adds up to a lot of savings for your Costa Mesa real estate water bill over a month.

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