Mesa Verde Home Inventory at 5 (!)

Colin Delaney January 14, 2023

Mesa Verde Home Inventory for active listings is currently at 5 active listings, the lowest ever recorded in MLS history since digital adoption of shared inventory online.
I have posted in the past about Mesa Verde home inventory being low, but this low is shocking – it’s way too low and leads to issues with demand for buyers, especially when they are competing with others for good homes.
It’s starting to feel like shopping at Costco for toilet paper in the middle of the pandemic!
A recent home listed in our office in the state streets in Mesa Verde was listed and within 72 hours had 16 offers on it!! And it had 34 showings! That is strictly because there is so little for sale in Mesa Verde, but also throughout Costa Mesa. Affordability is simply suffering because there is not enough on the market.
Do you think it’s a good time to sell?? You bet. No competition. Interested in getting 16 offers for your home?
We have a very specific way of making that happen – connect with broker Colin Delaney via email or connect by cell at (714) 743-9882.

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