Just Sold 3253 Michigan Ave Costa Mesa

Colin Delaney November 28, 2011

Just sold by Colin Delaney in Mesa Verde, our listing at 3253 Michigan Ave for $520,000. The home is a four bedroom, two bath home of approximately 1600 square feet. This home had been significantly updated by the most recent owners preparing it for sale.

Details, Details, Details

The kitchen at 3252 Michigan Ave.

This property just had about a $30,000 remodel to get the home ready for sale. The home had not been updated in quite a while, so the owners consulted with me about what improvements made the best sense. They were a good bit ahead of me – they had replaced the roof, painted the interior and exterior, and replaced many of the fixtures inside the house. We consulted on what to do with an original kitchen, appliances, the carpet, backyard and landscaping.

Most people don’t go the whole way when preparing a home to sell. In this case the owners did everything, short of remodeling the kitchen and the baths (which are your traditionally largest expenses in a home). So it goes to show you that if you take it seriously and dial everything in just right, you can sell your home quickly in this market. This home went into escrow within 20 days, and we had two awesome offers.

Two other homes on Michigan were listed at the same time with different agents and did not sell – one was priced higher and one was priced lower. I believe it was our presentation and preparation of the home that really made a difference, and the unique marketing that I did in the first weeks of the listing period. The interest rates now are super low too, so there is a lot of good activity which is unusual in the fall in Costa Mesa.

Little touches help a vacant house feel more lived in, like flowers or decor in the bathrooms.

You Missed It! Some Homes Sell Fast

This has been quite a popular trend this year in Costa Mesa. The homes that are in good condition, especially ones like this on on Michigan with the right upgrades and presentation, are selling quite quickly for good or just over market level prices. It was fair to say that other similar comps in the area have sold for quite a bit less this year in the State Streets neighborhood.

Takeaways for Selling Today in Costa Mesa Real Estate

It helps to stage areas to give buyers an idea of what they can do with an area, like we did in this courtyard.

Preparation with the home is really key right now if you are selling Costa Mesa – you MUST get the house ready for sale, no if ands or buts. Believe me, if you put the house on the market and it is not ready to go, you have probably missed your best opportunities because people seldom come back to look at a house a second time. Additionally, if you are what is commonly called a Standard Sale right now, you have a significant advantage as well. Short sales and REO properties are still just over 35% in Costa Mesa real estate, and plenty of home buyers do not want to look at those types of properties.

It helps to remove old overhanging cabinets to open up the space between the kitchen and dining areas like we did here.

Prepare to sell?

Thinking of selling? I’ve got great recommendations for you on how to prepare your house to sell. We commonly use our own in-house designer to get all the little touches just right! Call Colin at (714) 743-9882 or E-mail me.

Work With Colin

Colin’s commitment to getting sellers top dollar and securing the best deals for buyers is backed by a proven track record and extensive local knowledge.