Happy July 4th Costa Mesa

Colin Delaney June 30, 2011

Happy 4th everyone! I hope all of you who read my blog out there have a safe and happy 4th of July out there in Costa Mesa.

Need fireworks?

I think our city is practically the only one left where it is actually legal to buy them and set them off. Please support the Costa Mesa National Little League stand in the parking lot at 145 E. 19th Street or AYSO at 289 E. 17th Street. Both of these groups get a ton of dough from these sales, and the funds are funneled right back into the youth sports programs which a ton o kids take advantage of all season long.

Want to support a different organization? Here’s a really cool Google Map that shows you all the locations of the firework stands in the city throughout Costa Mesa.

Need a great place to watch fireworks?

Of course, for those of you in Eastside Costa Mesa, there are great fireworks that you can see from the Newport peninsula. If you are closer to the Mesa Verde area, the show from the Mesa Verde Country Club is fantastic. A great vantage point for that show is up on the top of the grass at Balearic park. That show always starts a little after 9:30, and it is definitely one to watch. If you have little ones, careful for the ears because it can be pretty loud. I remember when my boys were little how much they didn’t like how noisy the show from Mesa Verde was.

After the local fireworks shows, check out most any street in Costa Mesa, especially the cul-de-sacs, there is always a local who really, really likes fireworks, and sometimes the small homegrown local shows can really be a lot of fun.

Enjoy your fourth! Stay safe, stay cool, and enjoy your holiday!

Watch our upcoming blogs for properties coming on the market just after the 4th.

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Colin’s commitment to getting sellers top dollar and securing the best deals for buyers is backed by a proven track record and extensive local knowledge.